This past weekend, Record Store Day came and went (I now own a fantastic Justin Townes Earle 45, so it worked out for me), and even in the number of “exclusives” was far too limited for an event of such increasing popularity, it has spurred a solid new trend. Bands unable to afford vinyl (or [...]
《Valorant》全球公测正式开启!网易UU加速器助你轻松 ...:2021-6-2 · 《Valorant》全球公测开启!UU加速助你轻松掌控战场,《Valorant》今日正式开启了全球公测,玩家伔已经可众前往拳头官网下载游戏进行体验了。为了让广大玩家能够无阻碍的感受《Valorant》的魅力,网易UU加速器在6月2日至6月6日这五天里,开启 ...
What does it say that a healthy portion of the new hip hop albums I’m the most excited to hear these days are often if the instrumental variety? Well I think it mainly says I’m a confirmed, curmudgeonly hip hop get-off-my-lawner, but I’d like to think that it also means there are plenty of talented [...]
Here’s a good one for your Wednesday afternoon. It’s kind of a subtle one, but a good one nonetheless. We Changed is a collaboration between DJ Catalist (aka Alister Johnson, also known as a member of Grand Analog) and soulful Ghanaian-Canadian singer/songwriter Kae Sun. I was very impressed with Kae’s lasting outing, the acoustic EP [...]
If Del Barber was born a few generations earlier, he would have been riding the rails. Part time employment would have kept him alive, but like so many of his influences and idols, traveling from town to town trading stories and chords with other folkies, and squeezing each and every drop from the fruit life [...]
Sanctums is a two man operation out of Calgary comprised of Dan Solo and Evangelos Typist. They describe themselves as a “ambient/downtempo project” and they recently released a self-titled album that is ” inspired by our common love for classical music, film soundtracks, hip hop, & various other elements of beat culture”. I’m not sure [...]
Clearly, if our traffic stats are any indication, we are not experts in deciphering what it is the kids like. But I’m fairly certain they enjoy ‘splosions and I know they enjoy a good mashup every now and again. All of that seems to indicate that the kids might fancy a listen to Shit Computer, the new release from TO’s Kids & Explosions (aka Josh Raskin). It’s available as a pay-what-you-can d/l, and it features all kinds of jammy-jams that you know and love. This one features bits from the Big Baby Jesus and L-Boogie, so I enjoy it. You might too.
MP3:: Kids & Explosions - Use Your Words
Perusing the ECMA results from this past weekend led to an to-too-familiar set of thoughts after reading that Halifax’s Ria Mae won Pop Recording of the year. These thoughts are something like “Uhhh, have we covered Ria Mae on the hill before? Surely we have. I think we have. We’ve meant to, so me must [...]
From the outside looking in, you can’t help but wonder if Apollo Ghosts front man Adrian Teacher believes stagnancy is failure. In just over three years he’s delivered three stellar LPs, a slew of EPs and 7″s, collaborations and even a solo LP based on poetry from Karl Blau, all while holding down a full [...]
It’s almost too easy to overlook local bands with bigger expectations and accessible sounds. When you consider the lo-fi noise and punk scenes are booming and we’ve had the Celtic folk/bar room poet market cornered for years, it’s easy to see a ton of shows without ever hearing a note of music that seems destined [...]